Telling it Like it is.

We do a relaxed Elimination Communication in out house. The theroy is that Ellie will show signs that let me know she will be needing to use the potty soon. Pee and/or poo. She is really great about peeing on her potty.  Pooping was doing great, now, not so much.

Quote of the Day:

A few days ago she cam to me with her Potty book and let me know she wanted to sit on the potty. Yes, this is a bit of a game for her.  When she does go, she gets a high five and she gets to flush the potter herself. So we go up to the bathroom, I lay her down on the bed to take of her diaper (still dry, WOOHOO!) take her to sit on the potty, and she goes pee. YAY! High five!
Me-“Ok, do you need to pee more?”

She shakes her head no.

Me-“You are sure you are all done?”

She Signs all done.

I let her climb down off the potty after wiping her clean and she flushes. I close the lid and stand up to go back and grab her diaper while she goes to look into the tub for her toys.


I walk back into the bathroom to find that Ellie is standing RIGHT in front the toilet with the biggest pile of poop I have ever seen come out of a person let alone a child! She looks at me with the biggest smile on her face.

Ellie-“Poop!” while raising her hand for that high five.

I put her on the potty as she pooped even more after that and she was just so pleased with herself.

After a shower and a deep cleaning of the bathroom floor, she napped for two hours.

Ah life, you are good to me.

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