Life is Hard

I have a baby and a husband that like to go to bed at 8:30.  While normally this leaves me with quite a bit of much needed ME time, there has been a stretch of a few weeks sans blogging because HATES it when I crawl over him to get out of bed.  The baby crib is attached to our bed on the other side, and the foot of the bed makes WAY too much noise if I head that way.

Tonight, I told him to deal with it! So, you are welcome!

Shadow has a new name, Weasel. And she has, for sure, earned it. She sneaks into everything! and even when she is playing the things she can play with, if I just go to check on her and say “hey!” she drops it and runs away.  She is going to be devious already, I can tell. She also has family visiting this week and she is thrilled! Grandma and Grandpa are here till the new year to see the little creature and spoil her with attention.  She has been a perfect angel since they came in last night and is quite smitten with Grandpa.  She has been showing off her sign language, trying to talk, and I have never heard he giggle so much as she has today! So much love here in our home.

The boys are going fishing tomorrow out on the ocean and we girls have shopping to do! Window shopping for me and the Weasle, but we will tag along for the day and see what Monterey has to tempt us!

On an unrelated note, yesterday was our three year anniversary.  Just to let you know how cool we are, we both forgot it was our anniversary till someone wished us a happy anniversary.

Best photo of us EVER!

Best photo of us EVER!

Three years and one day ago I had the privilege of saying “I do” to the man of my dreams.  Two years and one day ago, we were sealed in the St. George Temple, so he gets to put up with my picking, and noise making, face pulling for the rest of time.  Who is the winner here? Yea, me. Hands down.

As an ode to the day, here’s what happened that day in 2011!

I woke up around 10, went and checked into the Hotel sweet with all my crap. Ate some brunch type food, and then went to go work out at the gym with the groom and his best friend. Around 2, I went back to the sweet, and started getting ready with my girls! There was laughing, make-up, tears, and so much love. At 3:30, we made it to the church and I got dressed in my dress, and at 4 I walked down the aisle with my momma bear. Shortly after that I was married.

I make it sound so simple, partly because it was, but mostly because these were the things that meant to most to me that day. There was more. There was dancing, and music, and food. But what really meant the world to me were my people who were there to love us and support us. I have the coolest people in my life, and the coolest of the coolest is now my lover, my companion, my co-worker (because marriage is work and we work at it everyday with great pay offs and bonuses) and my spiritual core. I would say best friend but that is already implied. 😉

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