Just another Sunday

Church at 9, just might be the hardest thing I have to do in my life.  There was just so much that happened between the hours of 8 and 9 that just made it impossible to get to church on time.  Here’s how it went:

7am-get a wonderful, warm, wet sensation from a leaking disposable diaper on a sleeping Shadow.  Seriously, who ever is getting paid for the phrase, “Live and learn and then get LUVS” should be tried for treason, and hanged.  Potty Training can not come soon enough.  Side note. We Cloth diaper, but have yet to find something that will hold how much pee she lets loose in the night. I have just resigned myself to waking up to pee for the next few months.

7:15-After Daddy bringing us a new diaper and failing, miserably, to get that last 15 minutes before the alarm goes off, we get up to go make breakfast. A good hearty Sunday breakfast of eggs, toast, oatmeal, cereal, pancakes? Yogurt? No? You want no food? Great! Mama will eat it all.  What? now you want food? A carrot, you get to eat a carrot.

7:45-Back the diaper bag for church. So. Much. Fun.  As I put it in, Shadow takes it out. In go the books, out go the books.  In go the diapers, out go the diapers.

7:55-Give up on the diaper bag and start getting ready for myself. Hubby said he had the baby, so I grabbed to Coco powder and ran upstairs.  Side note: I don’t use shampoo. I have been reading about Coco and how it works as a dry shampoo for those with dark hair. Today was not a wash day, but I was looking a little greasy, and thought, “what a great time to try a little coco!” Bad, bad, bad, bad idea. The whole point was to avoid wasting time showering this morning.  I did too much and looked like a well dusted chocolate cake. I hopped in the shower rinsed it out and shaved my legs. New Razor! Just as I get out, Hubby comes up stairs and puts Shadow in her room to play.  “I don’t know how to tell you this, but we can’t put things where she can reach them. That new soap you bought is all over the floor.”  I had put this Peppermint soap, out of reach, on top of the toilet, mind you, but that is neither here nor there.

8:15- Soap is EVERYWHERE! and smelling very strongly of mint. I do not want to waste it, so I ask Cole for a bowl and start scooping it with my hands.

8:20- Quote of the day-“Babe, I have never been so frustrated and turned on in my life.” I am still dripping water and cleaning up soap in an extremely small space. “Glad I can help you out there Babe.”

8:25-Still not dressed, and Shadow is upset with us because we won’t let her play in the bathroom anymore now that it is clean and smells AMAZING! I run back upstairs and get dressed in my new dress, do my make-up and blow dry my hair faster than I can believe. And just as I grab my heels, it hits me. The dress the I am wearing is NOT Breastfeeding friendly.  If/when I were to feed her, I would have to take of the entire dress.  Nerds!

8:55-New outfit, hubby dressed the baby, and we are ready to go! No we are not! she took everything out of the diaper bag! Pack the bag! grab some snacks! Where are the keys!? Where is Shadow? LET’S GO!

9:05-Drive to church

9:19-Arrive just in time to take the sacrament.

It was a great day.

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